Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Konvokesyen UTM, 7 Mei 2013

Congratulation for my Auntie!! She got her Ph.D now, with the perfect IP, 4.00! One step again to be a Professor in electrical engineering. Cool.

Yeah, that's the reason why we (me, my auntie, her daughter, anf my grandma) went to Johor Bahru last week. Attending her konvokesyen (this is what they called convocation in Malaysia) in UTM after 5 years study.

My auntie and my grandma

Hmm.. Gimana ya rasanya? Deg-degan? Lega? Bangga? Tapi sepertinya si bulik gak menunjukkan ekspresi apapun, hanya.. ya biasa aja. Stay cool, hehe. Padahal pas aku lihat ijazahnya, woow. IP-nya sempurna, 4,00! Dan asal tau, paginya kita terlambat datang. Pendaftaran harusnya dimulai jam 7 pagi dan acara dimulai jam 7.30, tapiii kita bahkan baru bangun pukul  7 kurang sedikit. Amazing. Ini gara2 tidur kemaleman (atau mungkin, kepagian? kita baru tidur pukul 1.30 pagi, well) setelah dinner bareng dosbing bulikku yang kebetulan tidak bisa hadir ketika hari konvokesyen. And by the way about my auntie's lecturer, she is a very very very kind and humble woman. She treated us for great dinner and asked her student to took us everywhere with her car. 

 I bought those flower with only RM35 (actually, this is also too expensive if I buy it in Rupiah -_-). While everyone in a convocation room, I was going around to the florist and take a look at all of the beautiful flowers there. I wanna bought her a surprise with the beautiful flower bucket, I think it's only RM20 - RM30 for the biggest one. But did you know? It's almost RM80 - RM100! OMG, I didn't have that much money. Only RM35 in my pocket, and with that much, I just got the small-stick one. A small plastic flower for the Ph.D? You kidding me!

So I just going around with the desperate face. A woman ask me to take a look her flowers, and I asked her to show me where's the flower with only RM30. And  again, she gave me a small-stick plastic flower, and I refuse it with (maybe) the very sad face, because she ask me why I look so sad. I said that I have no Ringgit but I wanna buy the flower bucket (not just a small one) for my auntie, because she got her Ph.D at the moment. She screamed, "Ape? Ph.D! Tak nak lah, you must bought the biggest one!" "But I have no ringgit." "Ok." She think, "Take this one with the money you have. Love and congratulation for your auntie from me, salam!" And then she gave me the flower with a cute teddy inside it. Ok, I knew it's not that beautiful but its better than a stick one. Thanks, makcik. :)

Satu hal lagi dari upacara wisuda di sana, peserta wisudanya itu tampak.. hmm... sederhana. Cenderung pakai baju  sehari-hari dan tanpa riasan berlebih. Kalo di Indonesia yaa tau sendiri kan, pas mau wisuda itu heboh.. nyari salon dan baju kebaya! (berdasarkan pengalaman kakak tingkat yg udah wisuda sih). Jadi pikiran pertama kalo mau wisuda adalah HARUS NYALON DI MANA. Haha :D

Oke, and here is some of the photos of us.

Yah, berharap dulu boleh kan? Insya Allah aku akan menyusul kelak.. amin. (padahal kata bulikku, aku itu pake topinya aja belum bisa, huhu :p)
Indent bajunya dulu ini :p
 Ingat, Nabi SAW pernah bersabda, "Tuntutlah ilmu walau di negeri Cina. Tuntutlah ilmu dari buaian hingga ke liang lahat. Dan, sebaik-baik ilmu adalah yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain." 

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